Thursday, August 7, 2008

Residents who oppose sewer SSA criticize village trustees

From the Thursday, August 7, 2008 edition of the Northwest Herald:
Residents who oppose sewer SSA criticize village trustees

JOHNSBURG – Village Board members faced harsh critics at this week’s board meeting as residents took turns questioning the board’s actions in a pending lawsuit.

The public comment portion of the meeting lasted 45 minutes and included questions about a recent batch of subpoenas in a lawsuit over a special service area implemented to pay for sewer infrastructure. The board even heard inquiries about how its members might be recalled.

“There must be a situation in which we can ask for a re-election,” said Jim Meyers, a Florida resident who owns property in Johnsburg. “We have an organization that became an oligarchy rather than a representative government.”

Meyers was one of about 30 people who packed Village Hall on Tuesday night. Many other residents came to the meeting with prepared statements or questions for the board.

Board members tried to assure the residents that they were acting in their best interest.

“We’ve gotten some unbelievable support that even our representatives can’t believe,” trustee Mary Lou Hutchinson said.

However, not all residents agreed with her statement. Terry Matthiesen brought a newspaper article in which Claudett Peters, director of operations, said the village would recoup court costs from residents in the SSA if the village didn’t have the money.

“Who has the authority to put that on us?” Matthiesen asked.

Matthiesen’s question was directed to Village Attorney Michael Smoron, who told Matthiesen that a decision had not been made about how litigation costs would be paid. In May, those costs exceeded $60,000.

After one resident’s comments, trustee Hutchinson smirked – a behavior that angered many in the audience.

Another resident, Robert Duplex, accused the village of harassing him because he said he received a subpoena allowing Smoron to view personal financial information.

“All this means to me is harassment and your intimidation of a person,” Duplex said.

When residents questioned the infrastructure of the proposed sewer system, many were offered an opportunity to meet with Village Engineer Tim Hartnett.

Board President David Dominguez and Trustee Harry May were absent from the meeting.